Diploma in Tourism Management

Diploma in Tourism Management

This programme offers skills that aid towards understanding of what tourism is. The course also introduces the student to the managerial processes involved in travel business operations and destination management. With this course the learner will also gain skills and knowledge for organizing a holiday package and best practices for sustainable tourism. The marketable course is a great career which offers individuals the opportunity to pick from a wide range of opportunities and excel in the Tourism industry.

Career Opportunities

  • Tour Manager
  • Tourism consultant
  • Tourism officer
  • Tourism Information Centre Manager
  • Travel agency manager
  • Archives Officer

Programme Goals

  • Learn the best tourism management practices that would encourage sustainable tourism at all levels.
  • Change mentality on the tourism industry and the best approaches for developing tourism products.
  • Understand flora and fauna of a destination and the significance of special interest holidays such as eco-tourism.
  • Understand the changing trends of the consumers and the best counter approaches to meet their needs and wants
  • Develop skills in the analysis of concepts and practices in daily business management.

Duration of the Course

  • Four (4) trimesters

Minimum Entry Requirements

  • KCSE aggregate grade of C- (C Minus) with a D- in Either English or Kiswahili,
  • Minimum grade of D- in any of the following: Mathematics/ Business Studies/ Geography/ History/ CRE/ Computer Studies/ Agriculture/ Home Science

Learning outcomes

  1. Apply concepts and skills learned necessary to excel in the industry,
  2. Communicate effectively and confidently in the classroom, community and industry,
  3. Demonstrate ability to perform job functions in travel and tourism careers

Module I

Fundamentals of tourism

Fauna, Flora and Touristic Geography

Tour guiding techniques

Touristic history

Travel operations and customer care


French Paper 1

Tourism economics

Information communication technology (Theory)

Information communication technology (Practical)

Entrepreneurship education

Life skills

Module II

Tour operations

Travel agency

Fundamentals of hotel operations

Public Relations

Tourism accounting

Tourism economics II


Tourism geography

Foreign language II

Business plan

Module III

Principles and practices of management

Tourism policy and planning

Tourism product development


Tourism marketing

Tourism Law III

Foreign language III

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