Eight objectives of public relations that an organization may seek to attain

Public relations play a significant role in promoting a company’s image. It is used to build a strong brand image and good reputation. Organizations formulate public relations objectives with the aim of building and maintaining a positive image. Some of the PR objectives that a company seeks to attain are:

1) Building reputation and image

Organizations use PR initiatives or campaigns to create a positive brand image and favorable perception from stakeholders. It is also used to protect the company’s reputation during periods of crisis.

2) Creating awareness

Public relations may also be used to gain recognition of the brand and enhance understanding of the company’s products and services. Another objective of PR within an organization is to enforce educational campaigns to educate the public about the firm’s vision, mission, values, and business activities.

3) Building trust and credibility

An objective of engaging in public relations activities is to portray the organization as a credible entity. PR initiatives help managers to build trust from key stakeholders and enhance transparent and honesty communications with the public.

4) Building relationships

Another objective for an organization to engage in public relations is to foster strong relationships with the target audience. For instance, the company may use PR activities to improve their relationship with local communities, customers or investors. Public relations also enable the company to increase customer loyalty through positive and lasting relationships.

5) Influence public opinion

By engaging in public relations activities, an organization may be seeking to influence public opinion on a particular issue, policy or product. The organization may also use public relations to influence behavioral change, which can increase the purchase of a particular product or support of a cause.

6) Crises management

Some organizations implement public relations activities to communicate with stakeholders and minimize damages on the organization’s reputation.

7) Marketing products and services

Public relations are one of the promotion methods that an organization can use to promote its products and services. PR initiatives can be used to implement marketing campaigns as part of marketing integration and integrated marketing communication strategies.

8) Attracting and retaining talented employees

An organization can create a brand image as good employer by using public relations activities. PR campaigns enable the firm to position itself as a good employer to attract talented employees and maintain good relationships with existing employees.

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