Gatundu South Technical and Vocational College

Gatundu South TVC Logo

Type of Institution: Public TVET College

Background Information

Gatundu South Technical and Vocational College (Gatundu South TVC) is a public collect offering artisan, craft certificate, and diploma courses. The school is located in Gatundu, Kiambu County. It is registered under the TVET Act of 2013 by the TVET Authority. The mission of Gatundu South TVC is to offer high quality competence-based education and training required to equip trainees with innovative competencies for sustainable livelihood. The institution provides relevant and market driven programmes in line with Kenya Vision 2030 and the Big Four Agenda. Some of the good facilities available at the institution include state-of the art equipment, laboratories and classrooms, and free wi-fi.

How to Apply for Courses offered by Gatundu South TVC

One of the methods you can use to apply for courses at the Gatundu South TVC is to apply online. To do so, follow the following steps:

  • Go to the application link:
  • Enter your details such as name, DOB, gender, phone number, ID number, Address, nationality, email address, KCSE & KCPE Index number & year, etc.
  • Enter your educational details as requested e.g. Grades
  • Enter the details of parents/Guardian including name and ID number
  • Attach documents in JPEG or PNG formats such as ID, KCSE, KCPE and birth certificates.
  • Submit application.

Gatundu South TVC Admission Requirements

To be approved to take a course at Gatundu TVC, the following requirements must be met:

  • Diploma Courses – KCSE C- (minus), Duration – three modules, exam body KNEC
  • Craft Certificate Courses – KCSE D (Plain), D+ (Plus) depending on courses chosen; Duration – 2 modules; Exam body – KNEC.
  • Artisan Courses – KCSE D- (Minus), F, or KCSE. Duration 1 year, Exam Body KNEC.

How to Access KUCCPS Admission Letters for Gatundu South TVC

You can download your KUCCPS admission letters for Gatundu South Technical and Vocational College from their website through the link:

Gatundu South Technical and Vocational College Fees Structure

Gatundu South TVC’s Fees Structure is a document that shows the accommodation, tuition, and examination fees for each course. You can access the institution’s fees structure via their website or by visiting the college offices.

Courses Offered at Gatundu South TVC

Diploma Courses

Gatundu South TVC Diploma Courses

Craft Certificate Courses

Gatundu South TVC Certificate Courses

Artisan Courses

Gatundu South TVC Artisan Courses

Courses Offered through KUCCPS

Gatundu South TVC KUCCPS Courses

Gatundu South Technical and Vocational College Contact Details

Physical Address: Kiambu County, Gatundu South Sub-County, Githaruru Estate, Githunguchu Sub-Location, Gatundu Town about 1km from Gatundu Sub-County Hospital and the Gatundu Law Courts.

Postal Address: P.O BOX 102-01030, Gatundu

Telephone: 0797 255 245



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