Students who completed their KCSE examinations in Kenya are now rushing to find marketable courses to study in college or university.
The truth of the matter is that choosing a career path is not easy; you need to be aware of yourself, your interests, and abilities first before applying for a suitable course.
One area that gives you an avenue to formal as well as self-employment is Information and Communications Technology. ICT has become a marketable course in Kenya due to the expansion of digital technologies and networks in the country.
The major ICT courses that you can pursue in Kenya are: Bachelor’s Degree in Information Communications Technology, Master’s in ICT, Diploma in Information Communications Technology, Certificate in Information Communications Technology.
You can choose any of these ICT courses depending on your interests, high school qualifications, course requirements, and your level of education.
Master’s in ICT is basically available for students who have completed a Bachelor’s degree, while Diploma require certain qualifications in KCSE, which will be highlighted below.
What Does ICT Course Entail?
An ICT course covers several areas such as data and information processing, transmissions and communication infrastructure, network development, telecommunication techniques, internet routing, connectivity, and cable networks.
Students who pursue a course in Information Communications Technology will be equipped with the current knowledge and skills necessary to provide reliable ICT solutions to businesses and institutions.
ICT courses allow students to follow different pathways and cover areas such as digital information and information management, computer studies, programming, networking and computer applications. The courses are designed to produce graduates who:
- Will assist in system administration and networking in production, research, consultancy, and education.
- Demonstrate understanding of computer hardware, peripherals and troubleshooting.
- Understand, evaluate, and use popular computer software.
- Are equipped with problem-solving skills and can adapt to a fast-changing technological world.
Minimum Requirements for ICT Courses in Kenya
To pursue an ICT course in Kenya, you must qualify with certain KCSE or KCE grades depending on the level you want.
Minimum Qualifications for Diploma in ICT
The minimum course requirements for Diploma in Information Communications Technology in Kenya are:
- KCSE aggregate Grade of C and above in KCSE or its equivalent as acceptable Qualification by KNQA
- Minimum of C- or its equivalent with certificate in a related field from a recognized institution
- Pass in Relevant Certificate Qualification
Minimum Qualifications for Certificate in ICT
The minimum course requirements for Certificate in Information Communications Technology in Kenya are:
- KCSE mean grade D+ (plus) OR any other equivalent qualification
- Mean Grade of D with artisan certificate in related field
- Minimum of D+ in Mathematics and English
Minimum Qualifications for Degree in ICT
The minimum course requirements for Degree in Information Communications Technology in Kenya are:
- KCSE mean grade of C+ and a minimum of C in both English, Physics and Mathematics or A-Level two principal passes and one subsidiary pass in the relevant subjects or relevant professional qualifications approved by the University Senate
Course Duration
Diploma in ICT takes a duration of 2-3 years, while a Certificate course in ICT takes approximately 1-2 years. A Degree course usually takes four years, hoping that you pass all your units. But if you use our free learning materials you will definitely pass your examinations in all levels.
Institutions Offering Diploma in Information Communication Technology in Kenya
There several colleges and universities offering a diploma course in ICT such as:
- KCA University
- Multimedia University
- ICS College
- Machakos Institute of Technology
- Nairobi Technical Training Institute
- Rift Valley Institute of Science and Technology
- Railway Training Institute
- Cascade Institute of Hospitality
- Eldoret Technical Training Institute
- Rift Valley Institute of Business Studies
- Sang’alo Institute of Science and Technology
- Thika Technical Training Institute
- Scott Christian University
- Span Institute
- Meru National Polytechnic
- Mathioya Technical Vocational College
- Nyandarua National Polytechnic
- Mitunguu Technical Training Institute
- ICT College Thika
- Ol’lessos Technical Training Institute
- Beacon Technical Training College
- Siaya Institute of Technology
Institutions Offering Certificate in ICT Courses in Kenya
Some of the colleges that offer Certificate in Information Communications Technology in Kenya include:
- African Institute of Research and Development Studies
- Nairobi Technical Training Institute
- KCA University
- Zetech University
- Eldoret Technical Training Institute
- Rift Valley Institute of Business Studies
- Thika Technical Training Institute