Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) refers to technologies that provide access to information through telecommunications. It refers to all communication technologies, including the internet, wireless networks, cell phones, computers, software, middleware, video-conferencing, social networking, and other media applications and services enabling users to access, retrieve, store, transmit, and manipulate information in a digital form.
ICT makes a business more efficient, effective and promptly respond to customers’ needs. ICT can assist business activities including design, manufacturing, R&D, distribution and sales and feedback. Prof.Nassef reports that “contrary to the prevalent predict that ICT will decrease the demand for face to face communication and will result in greater dispersion of economic activity. She suggests that ICT promotes industrial agglomeration”. In addition, Prof.Nassef argues that “The search of job and recruitment via the Internet offer potential efficiency gains to the labor market and the economy through reducing transaction cost and providing better matching between workers and vacancies by diffusing information about job widely”.
Benefits of ICT in Communication
- Improved efficiency
- Convenient, fast, and easy business communications
- Cuts across geographical boundaries – reduces costs of travelling
- Prompt response to customer needs
- Improved research and development
- Increased sales through online marketing
Information and communication technology is making the world a global village. People can now communicate with their friends, colleagues and relatives from anywhere across the world.
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