Innovation in HIMS

In complaint-push model, data is downloaded through asynchronous bind operation, and the client is notified when new data is available. The data-pull model involves downloading of data as requested. Complaint-push model is more effective because the client chooses to read the data at any point during the bind operation (Taylor et al, 2005). For data-pull model, the bind operation may fail if the client fails to complete reading the data during the bind operation.

Complex health care system causes significant barriers to HIT. One of the aspects of such a complex health care system is increasing population and inflation costs in the health care system. Higher populations of patients in health care facilities can cause health professionals to provide low quality services (Taylor et al, 2005). This barrier can be minimized by providing an effective connectivity of EMR to reduce redundancies and improve coordination and safety of health care providers to improve quality of services.

A specific model of HIT can be used to enhance effective and efficient disease management and prevention process among aging populations. The use of HIT can improve cost savings in the prevention and management of diseases in the health care system because through transaction efficiencies (Taylor et al, 2005). For example, HIT can be used to store data containing patient history and treatment plans in a more innovative ways to reduce the costs of searching patient information when needed.

The implementation of HIMS in a complex adaptive system is faced by barriers such as resistance from clinical staff, insufficient financial resources, and lack of knowledge and skills. If clinical staff members are used to CAS, they resist new changes to HIMS (Taylor et al, 2005). Implementation of HIMS also requires financial resources, and knowledge and skills of IT professionals. The resistance from clinical staff can be overcome by using effective change communication mechanisms (Taylor et al, 2005). The leaders or health care administrators should communicate the importance of the changes to clinical staff to win their support.

References list

Taylor, R., Bower, A., Girosi, F., Bigelow, J., Fonkych, K. and Hillestad, R. (2005). Promoting Health Information Technology: Is There A Case For More-Aggressive Government Action? Health Affairs, 24(5), 1234-1245.

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