Type of Institution: Private TVET College
Background Information
Kisumu Institute of Community Development Training (KICD-T) is a college focused on driving social change for community development. The Institute has adopted Competency-based training curriculum and is preparing trainees with education geared towards securing jobs and job creation.
Admission Requirements
Diploma Applicants are required to have a minimum mean grade of C- in KCSE and Certificate Applicants are required to have a minimum mean grade of D (plain) while Artisan courses are open ended.
Courses Offered
KICD- T offers the following diploma, certificate and artisan courses.
Artisan Courses
- Artisan Certificate in Masonry
- Artisan in Welding and Fabrication
- Artisan in Electrical Installation/ Electrical Wiring
- Artisan certificate in carpentry and joinery
- Artisan Certificate in Hairdressing and Beauty Therapy
- Dressmaking and Tailoring Course
- Artisan Certificate in Plumbing
Certificate Courses
- Craft Certificate in Business Management
- Craft Certificate in Supply Chain Management
- Craft Certificate in Masonry
- Certificate in Early Childhood Development and Education
- Craft Certificate in Electrical and Electronics Engineering
- Craft Certificate in Food and Beverage Production and Service
- Certificate in Social work and Community Development
- Craft Certificate in Transport Management
- Certificate in Business studies
- Certificate in Sales Marketing
- Craft Certificate in Human Resource Management
- Craft Certificate in Secretarial Studies
- Craft Certificate in Plumbing
Diploma Courses
- Diploma in Food and Beverage Management
- Diploma in Business Management
- Diploma in Project Management
- Diploma in Sales and Marketing
- Diploma in Supply Chain Management
- Diploma in Secretarial Studies
- Diploma in Electrical and Electronics Engineering (power option)
- Diploma in Social work and Community Development
- Diploma in Entrepreneurship Development
- Diploma in Accountancy
- Diploma in Cooperative Management
- Diploma in Human Resource Management
- Diploma in Early Childhood Development and Education
- Diploma in Building Technology
Application Process
To join Kisumu Institute of Community Development Training, you can download and print the application form from the college website https://kisumuinstitute.ac.ke/admissions/ in admissions section or obtain the application form from the office.
Online application can also be done in the institution’s website. Click https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=ggHr1aQtnkCQV2w76IzngDK4RHMXcpFDgLvD3a0_tqlUMDlTNklSRUJHMVRGSlZOWlVRT0tNWlM4NC4u and apply.
You can also apply via KUCCPS student’s portal accessible through KUCCPS website www.kuccps.ac.ke by using your KCSE and KCPE index number as username and password, respectively. KUCCPS sets an application window within which students can submit their applications.
KUCCPS Admission Letters
To get the KUCCPS admission letter go to KUCCPS student’s portal, log in with your application details i.e., username and password. Navigate to the admission letter section to download and print your KUCCPS admission letter.
Fee Structure
Fees structure varies according to programme course. For more details concerning KICD-T fees structure contact the admissions office.
Bank Account Details
Bank: Kenya Commercial Bank (KCB)
Account No: 1174123141
Branch: Prestige Ngong Road
Contacts and Address
Physical Address: Along Nairobi-Kisumu Highway, Rabuor Centre
P.O. Box 6476-40100, Kisumu.
Tel: 0754009282
Phone: 0722561597
Email: info@kisumuinstitute.co.ke
Website: https://kisumuinstitute.ac.ke/