Machakos Technical Institute for the Blind

Machakos Technical Institute for the Blind

Type of Institution: Public TVET College

Background Information

Machakos Technical Institute for the blind is a Government Technical Training Institution, located within the Machakos municipality next to National Cereal Produce Board deport off Konza road. The institution is the only is the only Technical Training Institute in East and Central Africa offering Kenya National Examination Council (KNEC) craft courses to the visually impaired persons.

Admission Requirements

The entry requirement for all diploma courses is a C- and above, D (plain) and above for Certificate while other course categories are open.

Courses Offered at the Machakos Technical Institute for the Blind

Machakos Technical Institute for the Blind offers courses in the following department; Rehabilitation and Communication Skills, Tannery and Leather Work, Building Technology and Civil Engineering, Business Studies and Knitting.

  • Diploma in Clothing Technology
  • Craft Certificate in Clothing Technology
  • Artisan Certificate in Clothing Technology
  • GTT Certificate in Garment Making
  • Craft Certificate in Tannery and Leather Technology
  • Craft Certificate in Shoe Making
  • Diploma in Building Technology
  • Craft Certificate in Building Technology
  • Artisan Certificate in Building Technology
  • GTT Certificate in Masonry
  • GTT Certificate in Carpentry and Joinery
  • Diploma in Human Resource Management
  • Diploma in Entrepreneurship Education
  • Craft Certificate in Human Resource Management
  • Weaving and Machine Knitting

Application Process

To join Machakos Technical Institute for the Blind, apply through KUCCPS website and choose MTIB as your college and submit your application online.

You can also collect the application form from the college admission office.

KUCCPS Admission Letters

Go to Machakos Technical Institute for the Blind website and navigate to the downloads section and download your KUCCPS admission letter.

Fees Structure

Visit the college website and navigate to the downloads section  and download the fees structure for the particular program you are interested since fees varies for different programs.

Bank Account Details of Machakos Technical Institute for the Blind

Bank: Standard Chartered Bank

Machakos Branch

Account: 0102867548600

Contacts and Address of Machakos Technical Institute for the Blind

Physical Address: Located in Machakos-Wote Road near Machakos University College.

P.O. Box 112-90100, Machakos.

Phone: +254 733 844 614



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