Operations Management Diploma KNEC Notes

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Introduction to the Module Unit

Operations Management is a unit offered to diploma students in supply chain management to equip them with the right attitudes, knowledge and skills to effectively plan and manage the procurement functions in an organisation.

General Objectives

By the end of this module unit, the learner should be able to:

  • Explain the concept of operations management
  • Describe the role of materials management in product development process
  • Discuss the relationship between production planning and control
  • Recognize the role of materials management in production operations
  • Outline the need for the efficient maintenance of plant and equipment
  • Explain the importance of location and layout in operations management for effective material usage.

Topics/Course Outline Required by KNEC

Topic 1: Introduction to Operations Management

1.1. Concept of operations management

1.2. Transformation process in operations management

1.3. Product versus service operations

1.4. Role of materials management

Topic 2: Product Development and Design

2.1. Need for product development

2.2. Sources of new product ideas

2.3. Stages in product development

2.4. Role of purchasing in product development and design

Topic 3: Purchasing and Supply Chain Strategies

3.1. Meaning of product planning and control

3.2. Interface between material need, plant and equipment maintenance, production planning and control.

3.3. Factors to be considered when planning for material to be used in production

3.4. Production planning techniques

Topic 4: Production Systems

4.1. Types of production systems

4.2. Factors that influence the choice of production systems

Topic 5: Plant and Equipment Maintenance

5.1. Need for plant maintenance repair

5.2. Reasons for equipment maintenance

5.3. Ways of plant and equipment maintenance and repair

5.4. Types of plant and equipment maintenance

5.5. Factors to be considered when planning for plant and equipment maintenance and repair

5.6. Costs involved in plant and equipment maintenance

5.7. Role of purchasing in plant and equipment maintenance and repair

Topic 6: Location and Layout in Operations Management

6.1. Factors that determine the location of operating units

6.2. Location analysis tools

6.3. Types of factory/plant layout

Topic 7: Techniques in Operations Management

7.1. Concept of benchmarking

7.2. Flexible manufacturing systems

7.3. Computer aided designs

7.4. Computer integrated manufacturing system

7.5. Lean performance

Topic 8: Emerging Issues and Trends in Operation Management

8.1. Emerging issues and trends in operation management

8.2. Challenges posed by emerging issues and trends in operation management

8.3. Coping with challenges posed by emerging issues and trends in operation management

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