Humphreys considers that the main cause of contemporary Islam radicalism stems from sacred politics as one of the beliefs of Islam. In chapter 6, Humphreys argues that contemporary Muslim radicalism could be due to the inseparability between religion and politics as believed by the Muslims. Muslims engage in politics because one of its beliefs is that engaging in critique or challenging an existing order enhances justice and prosperity; hence developing a radically new life. Muslims believe that there is a perfect society for them, envisaged in the Quran. However, they can only attain that society if they act. Politics is considered by Muslims as their only way to salvation. Humphreys attributes the political affiliation of Muslims as the source of its Strength in the Arab world where sectarianism is in plenty.
In chapter, Humphreys suggests that the cause of Muslim radicalism is its support for obligation reprimanding and correcting those who go against God. It involves fanaticism against enemies as suggested by Muslims worldwide. According to Humphreys, the Jihad doctrine allows Muslims to fight against what is not Islamic. It is these beliefs and values that seem as Muslim hatred which cause their radicalism. They are ready to fight those who go against God and those who allow corruption to prevail. This is supported by the Quran. This chapter also affirms the strength of Islam in the Arab world through the Jihad.
In chapter 10, Humphreys argues that Muslims have the right to reprimand and correct; just as they have the obligation to do so. In this case, Muslims demand the society to allow them to carry out their actions with the freedom and freedom and scope that they need to implement their obligations. The right to correct is derived from the Quran, and involves the right to ensure that all Muslims are brought back to salvation and obedience as embodied in the Shari’a laws of the Muslims. These rights cause radicalism in the Muslim religion.