Academic confidence level
When I started college, my confidence level was lower than the current level. My confidence level has now increased a lot. I am now more positive. My thinking has changed positively since the time I entered college. I think more positively about college education and college life in general. I have gained more interest in education as a result of my positive way of thinking. I also know more about myself now than before. I know my needs, my abilities and my interests. This has enabled me to perform well in my studies now more than the time I entered college. My thinking has also been enhanced by more skills that I have gained from college education. I have learnt to appreciate my college education through my positive attitude which I have developed over time in college.
Before taking my course in college, I had my own fears about college courses. First, I feared that I would not be able to cope with learning in the new class. In my previous class there were only a maximum of 20 people. However, in my current class there are 300 people. This made me uncomfortable when I first came into the college because I was not used to such a large number of people in one class. I feared learning in an environment with many people at first. Nowadays my fear has faded away and I can learn comfortably with the large number of people in class.
After studying strategies in this course, I have become more comfortable with some elements of college because the course has enabled me to develop necessary skills to adapt to college education. I have also become used to the college education because I have developed good network of friends and tutors who help me cope with the challenges of college. Different learning approaches and resources have also enabled me to be more comfortable with some elements of college.
My learning style
How I learn has always been an important element of my college education. I am an aural learner; I learn better by hearing the information needed for learning. I use learning methods that makes me enjoy learning; hence producing better outcome in my academics (Nichols & Nichols, 2001). I understand what my lecturers teach me more than what I read from books. I listen to my tutors and lecturers throughout all lessons in order to understand my coursework and be prepared for my examinations.
It is important for me to know how I learn because it enables me to utilize my strengths effectively and improve on my weak areas. If I understand my learning style, I can be able to improve my learning by utilizing my learning style positively and solving some of the academic challenges of college (Aronson, 2007). Knowing my learning style also enables me to set SMART goals for myself and plan my studies well so that I can achieve my goals. It also enables me to set good priorities that can enable me to succeed academically.
Review of my SMART goal
My SMART goal at the beginning of the course was to lower my handicap in golf from 1 to 0 by earning top five in more than three golf tournaments. Therefore, I was to practice 5 times per week, 2 or more hours per practice day to enable me get prepared both physically and mentally for completing. I already started pursuing my goal during the winter break because the spring semester has not yet started.
I have already started to practice 5 times per week as my SMART goal suggested. My path towards meeting my goal has already started and I believe that when the new winter semester begins I will be able to meet my goals. My coach is optimistic that I can be able to meet my goal by the end of the semester, and I am working hard to make that dream successful. However, meeting my goal by the end of the semester will depend on how I will work towards achievement of the goal. My coach has told me that if I keep doing what I am currently doing, I can be able to meet my goals by the end of the semester.
Currently my consistency in practicing does not meet my target of practicing 5 times per week, and 2 hours per practice day. However, I am making a good progress and I believe that I will meet my goal as suggested by my coach. I try to practice 2 hours per practice day but sometimes it becomes difficult to achieve it. I get tired sometimes and the routine is also brings some boredom sometimes. I am getting used to the practice from time to time and soon I am going to achieve two hours per practice day. Achieving five times practice per week is also difficult because there are some days in a week when I don’t feel like practicing; hence I end up practicing 2-4 days per week. However, it is still early and I am getting used to the practice. Therefore, I am certain that I will achieve my SMART goal at the end of the semester.
From the SMART goal I set, it is clear that goal setting will be important in college because it enables students to be successful in their learning and all academic and non-academic activities in college. Goals give students a specific direction and a good path to follow in college (Miller et al, 2000). They guide the activities of students and enable them to operate within specific plans in order to remain focused and become successful students. Goal setting also instills discipline, organisation and time management among students as they work hard to achieve their goals.
Fears that I still fear
The fear that I still have is how to apply what I learn in the course about myself to the challenges that I face. My lessons in class have always been academic and I fear to apply them in real life. I am not yet sure whether I can face the challenges of my life using the lessons that I learn in class.
My next step for college courses is to improve my skills and be able to apply what I learn in class to my life challenges. I will learn to apply what learn in real life with the help of friends and tutors/lecturers. Apart from aiming at high grades and successful participation in golf, my next step in college will also include improving my relationship and interaction with classmates and teachers in order to improve my communication skills and application of what I learn in real life challenges. Lastly, the new goals that I may have include achieving Grade A in writing and other areas of my studies.
References list
Aronson, J. (2007). Improving academic achievement: Impact of psychological factors on education. Amsterdam [etc.: Elsevier.
Miller, R. I., Finley, C., & Vancko, C. S. (2000). Evaluating, improving, and judging faculty performance in two-year colleges. Westport, Conn: Bergin & Garvey.
Nichols, J. O., & Nichols, K. W. (2001). General education assessment for improvement of student academic achievement: Guidance for academic departments and committees. New York: Agathon Press.