Points from comic book superheroes unmasked

Comic Book Superheroes Unmasked

The documentary Comic Book Superheroes unmasked features several people from the American Comic Book Industry who describe the evolution of the industry since 1930s. It also explains how the comic industry has influenced society. The key points from the film is that comic books have consistently portrayed superheroes as people with great power and strength; they use such powers to fight evil and help people in society.

Srength and Power

One of the points of the comic book Superheroes Unmasked is that superheroes had powers to defeat strong forces in the world, exhibiting strength that is more than that of a normal human being (Misiroglu & Roach, 2004). They also looked fantastic and wore costumes. Generally, they were unique and performed more unique and supernatural activities. Superheroes, also called superman were not like any other heroes. They used their super power to fight dictatorship and corrupt landlords. They therefore helped people to solve the problems they faced in real life.

Saving Society from Evil

In the comic book, it is therefore clear that the superman used his power to help good people by fighting bad people. This strength of superheroes used to defeat corrupt and bad people was seen when the superman in the story fought Hitler and Stalin. Roosevelt, US president also supported creation of super soldiers to fight enemies of USA and its people and/or citizens. Superheroes used brute force to make people follow their will (Costello, 2009). This was considered as an effective and morally justified behavior. Generally, the comic book suggests that superheroes fought for truth, justice and the American way.

All About Kids

Another point regarding the comic book superheroes unmasked is that superheroes performed kiddy acts and entertained kids most. Comics were designed to entertain kids, although they had many lessons for mature people. This is clear from the boy/child sidekicks of such superheroes as Batman, Human Torch, Robin, Green Arrow, Catman and Sandman (Brooker, 2001). Batman acted in a way that many people viewed the comic as a kid’s stuff. One of the superheroes, Spiderman, saves a child who becomes drunk due to drugs and goes to the top of a roof thinking that he could fly as a result of the drugs. This leads to another idea that the comic book also supported use of drugs by teens; hence the book views superheroes as inclined more to children and teenagers.


References list

Brooker, W. (2001). Batman unmasked: Analysing a cultural icon. New York ;London: Continuum.

Costello, M. J. (2009). Secret identity crisis: Comic books and the unmasking of Cold War America. New York: Continuum.

Misiroglu, G. R., & Roach, D. (2004). The superhero book: The ultimate encyclopedia of comic-book icons and Hollywood heroes. Detroit: Visible Ink Press.

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