Project and Contract Management KNEC Notes Diploma

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Introduction to the Module Unit

Project and contract management is a unit offered to diploma students in supply chain management to equip them with the right attitudes, knowledge and skills to manage projects and contracts.

General Objectives

By the end of this module unit, the learner should be able to:

  • Apply project planning, implementation and evaluate projects
  • Cope with contractual issues on project management

Topics/Course Outline Required by KNEC

Topic 1: Introduction to Project Management

1.1. Meaning of project and project management

1.2. Importance of project management

1.3. Characteristics of project management

1.4. Types of projects

1.5. Project organisation structures

Topic 2: Project Life Cycle

2.1. Meaning of project life cycle

2.2. Importance of Project Life Cycle

2.3. Stages of product life cycle

2.4. Factors affecting each stage of the project life cycle

Topic 3: Project Planning

3.1. Meaning of project planning

3.2. Features of a good project plan

3.3. Factors to be considered when planning a project

3.4. Types of project plan

3.5. Developing a project plan

3.6. Constraints in project planning

3.7. Techniques applied in project planning

Topic 4: Project Tendering

4.1. Project tendering process

4.2. Types of project tenders

4.3. Project tendering methods verses other contracting methods

Topic 5: Contract Management

5.1. Types of contracts

5.2. Issues in contract management

5.3. Contractual relationships

5.4. Techniques of monitoring, evaluating and controlling of contracts

5.5. Aspects covered in processing payments for contracts

Topic 6: Emerging Issues and Trends in International Purchasing

6.1. Emerging issues and trends in project and contract management

6.2. Challenges posed by emerging issues and trends in project and contract management

6.3. Coping with challenges posed by emerging issues and trends in project and contract management

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