Type of Institution: TVET College
Background Information
The history of Sang’alo Institute of Science and Technology (SIST) dates back to 1924 when the late Paramount chief of Bukusu, Mzee Sudi Namachanja, donated 610 acres of land to Dr. Cameron, a Scottish veterinarian to establish a centre for vaccination and treatment of livestock. In 1927, the farm developed into a livestock improvement centre for upgrading indigenous cattle to enhance milk and meat production. By virtue of its geographical location, this centre became a sub-station to a veterinary station in Maseno.
Sang’alo Institute of Science and Technology became a public Institution in 1993. Its governance was put under the management of a Board of Governors appointed by the Minister for Education Science and Technology. This facilitated the posting of trainers by the Teacher’s Service Commission (TSC). The employment of staff at SIST is under the Public Service Commission and the Board of Governors. This is as per the Education Act (cap 211). The College Main campus lies on 555 acres of land.
Contacts of Sang’alo Institute of Science and Technology
- Postal Address: P.O. Box 158-50200, Bungoma, Kenya
- Phone: 0711 158 158
- Email: info@sist.ac.ke
Admission Procedure and Requirements
You might be asking, how do I apply for a course at Sang’alo Institute of Science and Technology? To get admission to SIST, you can fill the application form online through the following link:
Fill all the details required in the above admission page and click Submit at the bottom.
As part of the application and admission process, you are required to upload documents such as KCSE results slip or certificate, photo of ID, and passport photo.
Sang’alo Institute of Science and Technology
Students can log in to their students portal through the link below. The portal requires students to register and access their personal details including admission status, school fees, and grades.
Courses Offered at Sang’alo Institute of Science and Technology
There are 78 courses offered at SIST, spread across 9 departments as shown below
Agriculture Department
- Artisan In General Agriculture
- Certificate In General Agriculture
- Diploma In General Agriculture
- Diploma In Entrepreneurial Agriculture
- Horticultural Production
- Horticulture Nursery Management.
- Poultry Hatchery Level 3
Electrical and Electronics Engineering Department
- Artisan In Electrical Installation
- Craft In Electrical And Electronics Engineering (Power Option)
- Diploma In Electrical And Electronics Engineering (Power Option)
- Electrical Installation Level 4
Building and Civil Engineering Department
- Artisan In Plumbing
- Certificate In Land Survey
- Certificate In Plumbing
- Certificate In Building Technology
- Diploma In Land Survey
- Diploma In Building Construction Technology
- Diploma In Quantity Survey
- Diploma In Civil Engineering
- Masonry Level 4
Mechanical Engineering Department
- Certificate In Motor Vehicle Technology
- Certificate In Welding And Fabrication
- Diploma In Automotive Engineering
- Diploma In Agricultural Engineering
Applied Science Department
- Certificate In Science Laboratory Technology
- Diploma In Applied Biology
- Diploma In Analytical Chemistry
- Diploma In Science Laboratory Technology
- Science Laboratory Level 5
Information Communication Technology (Ict) Department
- Certificate In Information Technology
- Diploma In Information Communication Technology
- ICT Level 5
Hospitality Department
- Artisan In Food & Beverage
- Artisan In Garment Making
- Artisan In Hair Dressing
- Artisan In Beauty Therapy
- Certificate In Food & Beverage
- Certificate In Catering & Accommodation
- Certificate In Nutrition & Dietetics
- Certificate In Hair Dressing
- Certificate In Fashion Design & Garment Making Technology
- Diploma In Food & Beverage
- Diploma In Catering & Accommodation
- Diploma In Nutrition & Dietetics
- Diploma In Fashion Design & Clothing Technology
- Pastry Level 4
- Food Production (Culinary Arts) Level 4
- Food Production (Culinary Arts) Level5
- Food And Beverage Sales And Service Level 6
- Baking Technology Level 3
- Internal Design Level 4
- Hair Dressing Level 4
- Hair Dressing Level 5
- Hair Dressing Level 6
- Fashion Design Technology Level 5
- Fashion Design Technology Level 6
Business Department
- Artisan In Store Keeping
- Certificate In Secretarial Studies
- Certificate In Business Management
- Certificate In Cooperative Management
- Certificate In Human Resource Management
- Certificate In Library & Archival Studies
- Certificate In Supply Chain Management
- Certificate In Sales And Marketing
- Diploma In Accountancy
- Diploma In Business Management
- Diploma In Cooperative Management
- Diploma In Human Resource Management
- Diploma In Information Studies
- Diploma In Supply Chain Management
- Diploma In Sale S & Marketing
- Diploma In Secretarial Studies
- Transport / Logistics Level 5
Liberal Studies Department
- Certificate In Social Work & Community Development
- Diploma In Social Work & Community Development
- 76 Social Work & Comm. Development Level 5