In the twenty first century, I have experienced a turn of events that emerged from the New Woman of the 20th century. In this century, the relationship between Judaism, gender, sexuality and the new woman are still there; but now women are more liberated and independent.
In terms of politics, women are now key players in political affairs of many countries. Governments now acknowledge the participation of women in politics and give the opportunity to demonstrate their abilities just as equally as men.
Women have also accepted to take up such challenges. Economically, women own properties and participate in market exchanges and trades just like men. This has given them the opportunity to contribute to the economic development of their countries. In terms of culture, things have changed too.
Traditional practices have changed. Males and females now interact freely from childhood, attending parties, schooling together and playing together.
Unlike the thinking that women would lose their focus in marriage as a result of these changes, women in the twenty first century respect their marriages and get children. They participate in economics and politics but also dedicate themselves to their families.
I have hope that my generation will seek and pursue equity and fairness across genders, and that both females and males will undertake their roles harmoniously without any overlap.
I also hope that religion will be respected and good culture will not be abandoned for new immoral and unethical practices.
The main problems to address are the engagement of most youth in this generation on a lot of fun activities, seemingly forgetting their primary goals and ambitions in life.
We may not accomplish the good things that our fathers started if we don’t model them and work hard to achieve our dreams.
As a young person, my role is to maintain and encourage a fair, just and equal society where everyone has a right to share the benefits of our society despite our cultural, ethnic, religious, racial, or gender differences.
References list
Freedman, J. Transformations of a Jewish Princess: Salomé and the Remaking of the Jewish Female Body from Sarah Bernhardt to Betty Boop. University of Michigan. N.d.
Showalter, E. Sexual Anarchy. N.d.