Bukura Agricultural College

Bukura Agricultural College

Type of Institution: Public TVET College

Background information about Bukura Agricultural College (BAC)

Bukura Agricultural College is a public TVET college established in 1974 as an agricultural training institute with 73 students. The institution, which is located in Western Kenya, was promoted to a college level in 1992. However, the college was initially intended for in-service staff in the ministry of Agriculture with an aim of promoting agricultural development in western Kenya. The college opened doors to high school graduates for the first time in 2007. Bukura Agricultural College plays a crucial role in training agricultural extension agents, and has since trained over 6,000 students. Its focus on modern methods of farming has helps the institution to promote agricultural development in the country.

The Principal of Bukura Agricultural College: Dr. Richard Wekesa

Bukura Agricultural College Admission Requirements

To be admitted for a diploma course at Bukura Agricultural College, you should attain the following:

  • C.S.E mean grade of C (Plain) or its equivalent with C (Plain) in Biology/Agriculture/Geography, C- (Minus) in English / Kiswahili, D (Plain) in Mathematics and D+ in Chemistry/Physics/Physical Science.

The admission requirements for certificate courses at Bukura Agricultural College are:

  • C.S.E mean grade D+ (Plus) or its equivalent with C- (Minus) in Biology/ Agriculture/Geography/Home Science/Business Studies, D+ (Plus) in English or Kiswahili, D (Plain) in Chemistry / Physical Sciences / Physics and D- (Minus) in Mathematics.

Bukura Agricultural College Application form

To apply for a course at BAC, you need to download the form below, fill it, and submit to the institution’s postal address or physically to the secretary’s office.

Bukura Agricultural College APPLICATION FORM

Bukura Agricultural College KUCCPS Admission

You can also apply for a course at Bukura Agricultural College through the KUCCPS admission and get the KUCCPS admission letter from the institution.

To do so, you will log in to KUCCPS portal when the application is open and log in using your KCSE index number, KCSE year, and KCPE index number.

Courses offered at Bukura Agricultural College

Here is a list of courses, admission requirements, fees structure, and career prospects

Bukura Agricultural College Courses

Bukura Agricultural College Physical Location and Contacts

Physical Location: Sigalagala Butere Rd, Bukura, Mumias West

Postal Address: P.O. Box 23-50105

Phone numbers: 020-3505479, 0706207233

Email Address: principal@bukuracollege.ac.ke

Website: https://www.bukuracollege.ac.ke/