University of Nairobi Bachelor of Science – Biology Course Outline

Bachelor of Science

Course Summary

This degree programme is designed to give students a broad-based foundation in biology, including molecular biology, with particular emphasis on disciplines such as Parasitology, Entomology, Microbiology and Molecular biology.

Entry Requirements

  1. Candidates must have obtained the minimum University and Faculty of Science admission requirements.
  2. They must have obtained a minimum grade of C+ in Biology in KCSE.
  3. They must have passed with a minimum grade of C in Chemistry or Physical Science in the KSCE.

Course Units

Year 1

  1. SBT 101 Survey of Plant Kingdom
  2. SBT 102 Introductory Biochemistry and Genetics
  3. SBT 105 Introductory Microbiology
  4. SZL 101 Invertebrate Zoology
  5. SZL 102 Vertebrate Zoology
  6. SZL 103 Fundamentals of Ecology
  7. SBL 101 Mathematics for Biologists
  8. SCH 101 Inorganic Chemistry I
  9. SCH 102 Organic Chemistry I
  10. CCS 001 Communication skills
  11. CCS 009 Elements of Economics
  12. CCS 010 HIV & Aids

Year 2

  1. SBT 201 Gymnosperm and Angiosperm Taxonomy
  2. SBT 202 Principles of Bacteriology
  3. SBT 203 Plant Ecology
  4. SBT 204 Plant Structure and Function
  5. SZL 201 Cell Biology
  6. SZL 202 Histology
  7. SZL 204 Basic Immunology
  8. SZE 203 Animal Ecology and Behavior
  9. SBL 201 Biomolecules
  10. SBL 202 Laboratory Techniques
  11. SBL 204 Proteins and Enzymes
  12. SBL 205 Basic Metabolism

Year 3

  1. SBT 301 General Mycology
  2. SBT 304 General Genetics
  3. SBT 317 Food Microbiology
  4. SBT 318 Laboratory Methods in Microbiology
  5. SBT 319 Mechanisms in Microbial Pathogenicity
  6. SZL 301 Evolutionary Biology
  7. SZL 303 Biostatistics
  8. SZL 304 Applied Immunology
  9. SZL 311 Molecular Biology I
  10. SZL 315 Virology
  11. SZL310 Introduction to Parasitology


  1. SBT 310 Microbial Metabolism
  2. SZE 302 Environmental Health and Ecotoxicology

Year 4

  1. SBT 402 Microbial Ecology
  2. SBT 405 Applied Mycology
  3. SBT 413 Applied Microbiology & Biotechnology
  4. SBT 414 Research Project
  5. SBT 415 Molecular Biology II
  6. SBT 416 Micro-organisms as Biological Control Agents
  7. SBT 417 Environmental Microbiology
  8. SBT 418 Marine Microbiology
  9. SZL 406 Medical Protozoology
  10. SZL 407 Medical Helminthology


  1. SZL 416 Vector Biology
  2. SZE 403 Conservation in International Trade and Development

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