Course Summary
This degree programme is designed to give students a broad-based foundation in biology, including molecular biology, with particular emphasis on disciplines such as Parasitology, Entomology, Microbiology and Molecular biology.
Entry Requirements
- Candidates must have obtained the minimum University and Faculty of Science admission requirements.
- They must have obtained a minimum grade of C+ in Biology in KCSE.
- They must have passed with a minimum grade of C in Chemistry or Physical Science in the KSCE.
Course Units
Year 1
- SBT 101 Survey of Plant Kingdom
- SBT 102 Introductory Biochemistry and Genetics
- SBT 105 Introductory Microbiology
- SZL 101 Invertebrate Zoology
- SZL 102 Vertebrate Zoology
- SZL 103 Fundamentals of Ecology
- SBL 101 Mathematics for Biologists
- SCH 101 Inorganic Chemistry I
- SCH 102 Organic Chemistry I
- CCS 001 Communication skills
- CCS 009 Elements of Economics
- CCS 010 HIV & Aids
Year 2
- SBT 201 Gymnosperm and Angiosperm Taxonomy
- SBT 202 Principles of Bacteriology
- SBT 203 Plant Ecology
- SBT 204 Plant Structure and Function
- SZL 201 Cell Biology
- SZL 202 Histology
- SZL 204 Basic Immunology
- SZE 203 Animal Ecology and Behavior
- SBL 201 Biomolecules
- SBL 202 Laboratory Techniques
- SBL 204 Proteins and Enzymes
- SBL 205 Basic Metabolism
Year 3
- SBT 301 General Mycology
- SBT 304 General Genetics
- SBT 317 Food Microbiology
- SBT 318 Laboratory Methods in Microbiology
- SBT 319 Mechanisms in Microbial Pathogenicity
- SZL 301 Evolutionary Biology
- SZL 303 Biostatistics
- SZL 304 Applied Immunology
- SZL 311 Molecular Biology I
- SZL 315 Virology
- SZL310 Introduction to Parasitology
- SBT 310 Microbial Metabolism
- SZE 302 Environmental Health and Ecotoxicology
Year 4
- SBT 402 Microbial Ecology
- SBT 405 Applied Mycology
- SBT 413 Applied Microbiology & Biotechnology
- SBT 414 Research Project
- SBT 415 Molecular Biology II
- SBT 416 Micro-organisms as Biological Control Agents
- SBT 417 Environmental Microbiology
- SBT 418 Marine Microbiology
- SZL 406 Medical Protozoology
- SZL 407 Medical Helminthology
- SZL 416 Vector Biology
- SZE 403 Conservation in International Trade and Development