Warehousing Operations and Stock Control Diploma KNEC Notes

KNEC Notes and Past Papers

Introduction to the Module Unit

Warehousing operations and stock control is a unit offered to diploma students in business related courses to equip them with the right attitudes, knowledge and skills to be able to carry out warehousing and stock control activities effectively in an organization.

General Objectives

By the end of this module unit, the learner should be able to:

  • Describe the role of warehousing and stock control function organisation
  • Explain the relationship between the warehousing and stock control function and other functions in an organization.
  • Outline the operational activities earned out in the warehouse stock control functions

Topics/Course Outline Required by KNEC

Topic 1: Introduction to Warehousing

1.1. Meaning of warehousing

1.2. Role of a warehouse

1.3. Warehousing organisation

1.4. Types of warehouses

1.5. Factors in setting warehouses

1.6. Relationships between warehousing department and other departments

Topic 2: Receiving and Issuing Goods

2.1. Meaning of receiving and issuing goods

2.2. Factors to consider in receiving goods

2.3. Preparation for receiving goods

2.4. Receiving and inspection process

2.5. Sources of materials requisition

2.6. Procedure followed in issuing goods

2.7. Methods of issuing goods

Topic 3: Classification and Coding of Materials

3.1. Meaning terms

3.2. Importance of classification and coding materials

3.3. Criteria of classification of materials

3.4. Materials classification

3.5. Types of symbols used to code materials

3.6. Factors to consider in coding materials

3.7. Methods and bases of coding materials

3.8. Features of a good coding system

Topic 4: Stock Location

4.1. Meaning of stock location

4.2. Purpose of stock location

4.3. Factors to consider in selecting stock location

4.4. Methods of stock location

4.5. Procedure for locating materials in a warehouse

Topic 5: Stores Layout

5.1. Meaning of Stores Layout

5.2. Factors considered in selecting stores layout

5.3. Types of stores layout

5.4. Features of a good stores layout

Topic 6: Materials Preservation

6.1. Meaning of material preservation

6.2. Importance of materials preservation

6.3. Factors considered in selecting materials preservation method

6.4. Methods used in preserving materials

Topic 7: Packaging

7.1. Meaning of packaging

7.2. Purpose of packaging materials

7.3. Factors to consider in selecting and packaging materials

7.4. Types of packages

Topic 8: Materials Handling

8.1. Meaning of material handling

8.2. Objectives of material handling

8.3. Factors to consider in selecting materials handling equipment

8.4. Materials handling methods

8.5. Principles to be observed when handling materials

8.6. Types of materials handling equipment

Topic 9: Inventory Management/Stock Control

9.1. Meaning of stock control

9.2. Reasons for holding stock

9.3. Importance of stock control

9.4. Factors to consider in selecting stock control methods

9.5. Stock control methods

Topic 10: Stock Recording

10.1. Meaning of stock recording

10.2. Importance of stock recording

10.3. Factors to consider in selecting stock recording methods

10.4. Stock recording methods

10.5. Types of stock records

10.6. Ways of maintaining stores records

Topic 11: Stock Taking

11.1. Meaning of stock taking

11.2. Reasons for conducting stock taking

11.3. Importance of stock taking

11.4. Factors in conducting stock taking exercise

11.5. Methods of stock taking

11.6. Procedure for stock taking

11.7. Preparation for stock taking

11.8. Approaches to stock taking

Topic 12: Safety and Security

12.1. Meaning of safety and security

12.2. Importance of safety and security

12.3. Factors to consider in relation to safety and security of stock and store

Topic 13: Emerging Issues and Trends

13.1. Emerging trends and issues in warehousing operations and stock control

13.2. Challenges posed by the emerging trends and issues in warehousing operations and stock control.

13.3. Ways of coping with the emerging trends and issues in warehousing operations and stock control.

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